Mobile phone insurance is something most iPhone owners consider at one point or another. As friend's tales of water damaged and stolen phones become more common however, iPhone insurance becomes a larger consideration.
Naturally, particularly for the iPhone generation, the easiest place to begin look for iPhone insurance is online. A quick search will reveal most of the iPhone insurance companies, and failing that it's always possible to ask in a forum either specifically dedicated to iPhones or a financial and insurance forum.
But before you begin looking online specifically for insurance for your iPhone, why not talk to your home insurance company first? Many home insurers include cover for mobile phones as standard under their normal home insurance policy, but many gadget lovers do not realise this. Of course, the cover is typically not as robust as that which you might get from a mobile phone or gadget insurance specialist, but it's still wort h looking into. Check with your home insurer to see under what terms it is insured and decide whether or not this is suitable for you.
Theft is one of the main reasons for getting an iPhone insured. A high number of iPhone insurance claims are theft related, particularly theft whilst the owner is texting using the phone. In fact, it's a reasonable assumption that all of the things that attracted you to buy your iPhone are the same things that thieves like about it.
Damage is also another problem that iPhone owners face. Cracked screens are one of the most - if not the most - common reason for claiming on iPhone insurance, and this is caused by all manner of accidents. Usually this is caused by simply dropping the phone, although there are a growing number of claims for iPhones which were left on the roof of the car while the owner mindlessly drove away.
Water is of course another enemy of the iPhone, particularly toilets, baths and beer. Men are one of the biggest 'toilet offenders', dropping the iPhone out of a shirt pocket. And reading your iPhone in the bath is not recomme nded by any means, as most iPhone insurance companies will admit this is one of the most common claims put through.
Beer has never been a friend and in its simplest sense this means damaging your iPhone through water spillage. Of course it's during the beer - induced times that so many of the other iPhone-related problems happen, such as theft and simply losing the phone.
For iPhone owners there are a number of perils that face them. Comparing iPhone insurance is certainly a worthwhile exercise if not simply to highlight some of the likeliest dangers your phone faces with you.
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