Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Transfer Movies to Your iPod in 3 Simple Steps

Theres a very easy and quick way any iPod Video owner can use to get their favorite movies into their iPod Video. But first, we have to know what video formats the iPod works with. There are various types of video formats:

- DivX
- XviD
- RM
- Mpg/Mpeg

They appear as an extension after the file name of your video such as The Longest Yard.aviSo to feed your iPod with videos, all we have to do is convert these formats into the MP4 video format, which the iPod only allows. The MP4 format is very compressed and saves a lot of space on your iPod hard drive.

Here is what you need as basics:
- A Video-to-iPod Converter. There is software that converts any video format to the iPod MP4 format.

- A DVD Player installed on your computer. You can use iTunes to preview videos before they get put into your iPod.

- A DVD Ripper installed in your computer if you want to transfer DVD into your iPod. Also, there is a software which converts any video format plus the DVD format to the iPod MP4 video format.

- iTunes, which is free for download at the Apple website.

- And your Video iPod with its USB Cable.

Here is the Basic 3 Step Method:

1. Use your Video-to-iPod converter to locate the video you want to convert into the iPod MP4 format in your hard drive and click select/convert. Remember in the Output Settings, select DivX 6.0 codec for the optimum output.
2. If you want to copy DVD movies into your iPod, you need to use a DVD ripper to rip the DVD file out of the DVDuse the DVD ripper to select the movie you want to transfer to your iPod and click extract/rip.
3. Find the files that have been converted, DVD or Non-DVD using the iTunes Library. Make sure they appear in iTunes and test if they work. Load the MP4 files to your iPod by clicking Update iPod under File in iTunes.

There you go, a simple method to enjoy your movies whatever you want, wherever you want and whenever you want!

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thank You For Smoking: A Way to Safeguard The Young?and State Tax Revenues Through Radio Frequency Identification Tagging of Cigarettes

Introduction: Cigarette Taxes andThe Law of Unintended Consequences

Arbitrage is a simple concept. It can be defined as the practice of taking advantage of a price differential between two or more markets. The same principle of buying an item in a lower priced market and reselling it in a higher priced one applies just a equally in the worlds of high finance with stocks, bonds, options, and currencies as it does in placing sports bets or selling collectibles on eBay.

Arbitrage applies to cigarettes as well. For decades, U.S. cigarette taxes were far lower than those in Canada, leading to a high volume of cigarettes heading Northbound with Canadian travelers. On an individual level, smokers have an incentive to take advantage of the tax disparity by purchasing lower taxed and lower-priced cigarettes in neighboring states. Literally, by driving a few miles or, in many cases, by simply crossing the street, they could save themselves $10 or $20 per carton. However, academic studies have shown that for most smokers, convenience outweighs economics. The fact is that approximately two-thirds of all of all cigarettes sold in the United States are sold by the single pack. For instance, a recent study by researchers from the University of California found that after Californias 50 cent per pack tax increase, fewer than five percent of the states smokers attempted to evade the heightened tax by purchasing their cigarettes online, from nearby state s, or on an Indian reservation (where cigarettes can legally be sold tax-free).

In the U.S., while there is a federal excise tax of 39 cents levied on each pack of cigarettes, the majority of cigarette taxes are imposed at the state level. And in this decade, states have significantly increased their cigarette taxes. In fact, in the past five years alone, the average state cigarette tax has risen from 43.4 cents per pack to $1.02 a pack. In addition, major cities, such as Chicago, New York City, and Anchorage are increasingly adding their own taxes on cigarettes. In fact, the total cigarette taxes in each of these locales exceed $3 per pack! Thus, the disparity in state cigarette taxes is large, ranging from a high of $2.57 per pack in New Jersey to just 7 cents per pack in South Carolina (for reference, Louisiana's cigarette tax stands at 36 cents per pack, making it the seventh lowest of all fifty states). The disparities are especially stark when you consider that in several instances, the cigarette taxes of one state can be often double, triple or m ore than that of its neighboring states. Consider that North Carolinas tax of 35 cents per pack is five times that of neighboring South Carolina, and that New York States tax rate of $1.50 per pack is more than four times that of North Carolinas (and more than twenty times that of South Carolina. The city cigarette taxes even exacerbate these cigarette price disparities, in New York City, the municipal tax of $1.50 per pack doubles the effective tax rate on cigarettes bought there versus in other parts of the state.

These tax increases have been generally popular with the public at least with the non-smoking majority, who see cigarette taxes as a means to provide a stable source of tax revenue, while working to help curb youth smoking by making smoking less affordable. Academic studies have shown that while cigarette tax increases do decrease overall smoking rates slightly, state tax revenues still increase with each tax increase, as the core group of smokers has an almost inelastic demand for the product. Perhaps most importantly, by reducing the smoking rate in society, the tax increases should in the long-term decrease the health care costs attributable to the treatment of smoking-related illnesses and concerns (causing less government spending on health services down the road). Yet, even with todays average price for a pack of cigarettes running at $4.28, health experts have calculated that the total health care and productivity costs attributable to smoking at over ten dollars p er pack!

The Booming Business of Cigarette Smuggling

The price disparity between these markets has not been lost on entrepreneurial types in both the legitimate and illegitimate business world. Online cigarette sales have been a flourishing business, with estimates on Internet sales of cigarettes reaching into the billions. Also, the many Indian tribes in the United States have aggressively promoted tobacco sales on their tribal lands as a major attraction, both in their own right and to promote sales of other items and visits to tribal casinos. While cigarette taxes are set by the individual states, the interstate transport and sale of cigarettes is governed by a 1949 federal law known as the Jenkins Act . This statute prohibits the sale or transfer of cigarettes across state lines unless the proper taxes are paid in the receiving state. Thus, trafficking of cigarettes across state lines makes the products contraband, and in most instances, Internet retail outlets and Indian tribal sellers are not paying the proper taxes. Thi s means what are legal sales can become illegal when state lines are crossed. It also means that states lose tremendous amounts of tax revenue, estimated to be upwards of one and a half billion or more dollars annually in a recent report from the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO).

The arbitrage window is also open for smugglers as well, with both small time and large scale operators to take advantage of the price disparities between state jurisdictions. From the perspective of John D'Angelo of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE), There is no doubt that there's a direct relationship between the increase in a state's tax to an increase in illegal trafficking. Indeed, there have been an increasing number of cases of cigarette smuggling (officially called cigarette diversion) in the United States since the rapid rise of tobacco taxes, beginning in 2000. There is also an increasing sophistication in these trafficking operations, with the increasing involvement of both organized crime elements and terrorist organizations in these black market operations. As the Irish Republican Army has been involved with cigarette smuggling in Europe for decades, in the past few years, cases have been uncovered in the U.S. mainland involving know n international terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, PKK (the Kurdish Workers Party), and Al Qaeda. Now, the U.S. faces the very real prospect that not only are we facing not only a tax problem, but an increasing threat from terrorism, funded significantly by a growing black market trade in cigarettes coming to our shores.

Indeed, what is occurring in the U.S. is the long reach of a global epidemic of cigarette smuggling. To a lesser extent, the U.S. is also seeing the tax burden on cigarettes sparking growth in the illegal importation of counterfeit cigarette products from China and a variety of other countries around the world . In fact, according to the most recent data available, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized approximately $25 million worth of counterfeit imported cigarettes in 2003, which represents almost one-fifth of all imported commodities seized for violations of intellectual property rights. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a quarter of all cigarettes are smuggled, and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has found that Russian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Middle Eastern (mainly Pakistani, Lebanese, and Syrian) organized crime groups are highly involved in the trafficking of contraband and counterfe it cigarettes. Finally, sales of cigarettes through the black market work around the prohibitions against the sale of tobacco products to minors (under 18 or even up to 21 in some states). Thus, the World Health Organization has taken the position that the burgeoning sale of contraband cigarettes serves to significantly counteract the efforts to curb youth smoking.

Using RFID Technology to Combat Organized Cigarette Smuggling (and You, Yes You, Buying Your Smokes at the Indian Casino!)

RFID is a new, old technology using radio wave technology to identify objects as opposed to manual or bar-code based optical scanning. It is being utilized in a wide variety of industries today, everywhere from retail to pharmaceuticals to animal science to aerospace, as the cost of the technology is making it practical for routine use. In contrast, todays cigarette tax technology dates back to the early 1950s, with tax stamps on packs of cigarettes being mandated by the Jenkins Act. These have proven easily counterfeited and subject to fraud on a massive scale. Indeed, there is a rampant black market just in the sale of counterfeit and stolen tax stamps themselves. California is the only state thus far to use a new generation of machine readable tax stamps, incorporating encryption technology that gives law enforcement the ability to scan stocks of cigarettes to verify that the proper taxes have been paid. With these new, high tech tax stamps, California has seen a signif icant rise in cigarette tax revenue well in excess of $100 million in the past two years since the new requirements went into effect. And with all states struggling with declining tax revenues due to the current economic situation, recapturing tax revenues will be an especially important subject for legislators and tax enforcement agencies over the next few years.

In mid-February 2007, then Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) introduced The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (S.625 in the Senate and H.R. 1108 in the House). Their bills would for the first time grant the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate the manufacture, sale and advertisement of most tobacco products, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The bill specifically authorizes the use of special codes or devices on tobacco product labels for the purpose of tracking or tracing the tobacco product through the distribution system. While the proposed legislation do not now specifically call for an RFID mandate, industry and political analysts believe that this could be the case when the bills reach their final form, or, when passed in the implementing regulations. According to a recent RFID Journal analysis, Congress, while not naming RFID specifically, could become the first legislative cat alysts for the technology's use in government regulation.

A Wall Street Journal editorial dubbed the proposed legislation The Marlboro Preservation Act, as the bill through advertising restrictions and other barriers to entry would help to protect the market dominance of the major tobacco companies, making it harder and most costly for smaller manufacturers to compete. In fact, tobacco industry analysts from Morgan Stanley and Citigroup believe that the legislation would work in favor of the incumbent, large tobacco companies. This is because the increased regulatory burden and advertising limitations would limit the ability of smaller competitors to make inroads into the cigarette market, while also serving to narrow the price gap between premium and low-cost brands.

The U.S. would not be alone in looking to RFID in regulating the cigarette supply chain to specifically combat the trafficking of contraband products. The United Kingdom also has a sizeable problem with contraband cigarettes entering the British market. In fact, according to the Tobacco Manufacturers' Association (TMA), an estimated two billon counterfeit cigarettes well over a quarter of all cigarettes sold annually - are smuggled into the UK. This translates into a loss of approximately 3.5 billion in lost tax revenue for the British government from contraband cigarettes. To counteract this problem, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) announced in March that within six months, the British government would begin requiring the use of a covert security mark on all cigarette packets. Again, while not specifically naming RFID as the technology that would be utilized for the covert marking, analysts anticipate this to be the case, as the ministry desires to enable customs officials to be able to use small hand-held readers to verify the authenticity of cigarettes and that crown taxes had been properly paid.

Indeed, the WHO has recommended that countries take several steps to curb cigarette smuggling, from raising criminal penalties and licensing all parties involved in the cigarette trade who handle the product as it moves from the manufacturer through the distribution channels to the ultimate consumer. The WHO has also posited the value of having each pack of cigarettes given a serialized identification code, enabling track and trace capabilities to not only assure product authentication and provide a pedigree trail, but to ensure tax compliance as well. Again, while not suggesting an RFID-based solution specifically, it would appear that RFID would be the only technology capable of providing this level of security to the tobacco supply chain.


Will we see wide-scale tagging of cigarettes using RFID in the near future? Noted RFID analyst, Dr. Peter Harrop, Chairman of IDTechEx Ltd., cautions that with the cost of RFID tags (presently at least a quarter per unit): No one in their right mind would put a conventional RFID chip in a cigarette packet. Yet, as tag prices fall and new chipless forms of RFID emerge, the prospect of tagging individual packs of cigarettes will become more practicable. Still, the major tobacco companies may come to see RFID tagging at the pack level as enhancing their competitiveness, both in fighting the damage to their brand from counterfeit cigarettes and in putting more costs on their smaller rivals. Thus, there is likely to be an unusual degree of industry-government cooperation to foster RFID tagging of cigarettes, due to the alignment of their mutual interest to protect the legal cigarette trade. We may also see more government action in this area along the lines of the recent British government announcement and the bill before the U.S. Congress, which stands a good chance of passage this year.

Yet, the question remains as to whether labeling can be made practical from a cost perspective? The answer lies in the level of tagging. Certainly, cigarettes qualify as one of the best candidate products for tagging, due to the ratio of the cost of the tag to the value of the item in question which is right up there with high cost items such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, and liquor. The unusual situation with cigarettes is that the key level of tagging might not be at either the individual item level (the pack) or the case level. Rather, cartons of cigarettes a packaging level unique to the tobacco trade - presents a compelling business case. A carton of cigarettes is an industry standard, containing 200 cigarettes (20 cigarettes in a pack, 10 packs to a carton). By tagging cartons of cigarettes, in addition to tagging the cases and pallets that contain them, the cigarette industry and governments could significantly cut the ability of individuals and outlets to trade in contraband cigarettes. In the process, they would effectively create the largest RFID mandate and with it, new demand for RFID tags and labels into the billions of tags - that would perhaps go a long way toward promoting the market growth that would drive unit tag prices significantly downward.

Finally, as we have seen in the U.S., there is that perfect storm developing where the interest of all parties is converging to work towards both national, and perhaps even multinational, solutions. While smoking rates are declining in the U.S., it is important to note that both legal and illicit cigarette sales are a burgeoning market globally. According to the most recent analysis from the World Health Organization, there are well over a billion smokers worldwide more than one-sixth of the global population consuming the approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes produced annually by the tobacco industry. Thus, when talking about RFID and cigarettes, there is no blowing smoke theres surely a growth opportunity here for innovative companies ready for an innovative, effective RFID-based solution for the tobacco industry.


David C. Wyld () is the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is a management consultant, researcher/writer, and executive educator.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

IPhone App Development Can Make Your Business Grow

The third party application has changed the way mobile phones are seen today. It has changed the way a mobile phone can operate giving it a huge scope by providing it with features, which has made it a complete device when it comes to work and entertainment.

Going on in the 2011, the iPhone device will be the most sought after device in the business

market as more and more mind blowing applications are entering in the market. The iPhone apps have tremendously helped business to grow as demographics show that online business has changed as online market is gaining importance and the way iPhone app development has given a complete new set of opportunities to the users. We would like to put forward some reasons as to why iPhone apps developed can make a

difference in your business in the coming years:


Easy accessibility of information and apps on iPhone in Apple's App Store is one of the prime reasons of its popularity. Today, business understands the capability and functionality of iPhone applications and how they can make use of for enhancing the business processes.


The market of iPhone development is very bright as it is growing at a brisk rate as more and

more people are now starting to understand the value proposition an iPhone can provide.

iPhone are the pioneers in the smartphone industry to make the difference in the business


Richer Applications

The reason why an iPhone wins an user over other mobile phones is because of its unlimited growth potential, easy access to third party applications and basic user-friendly interface.

These features allowed iPhone to have interactive and richer applications. users can also experience the same level of functionality as they would do when they logging-on on to a

traditional website.

User Experience

The touch screen feature of iPhone was one of the pioneer experience a user had with an iPhone. The ease and the user friendly experience an user can access the iPhone apps is mind blowing. This not only benefits the customer but brings about a state of high class service by the professionals.

Those businesses that will recognize the potentiality of iPhone application development will rise head and shoulders over their competitors.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Incredible iPhone App Features!

Any telephonic communication is based on the efficiency of its connectivity and for the users it's always the way' they are being responded by the connectivity in terms of efficacy of processing, interface through which they dynamically operate the system and the utility factors attached.

All abiding the basic theory of communication which consolidates the factors of exchanging benefits together, new age communication systems, most comprehensively the smart phone gadgets put the characteristics of the mobile communication most aggressively and approvingly all pertaining to this very idea.

The sophisticated proponents of new age gadgets not only processes the words diligently but communicates digital data and effectively processes multimedia versions in any mode of compliance with software functionality and processing technique that is needed for the dynamic communication flow that we all are part of, in today's fast moving world.

Today we have immense no. of impressive applications being worked over by distinctive set of functional requirements and neatly served to compliment best of the smart phone communication devices that we all endorse. To the most approving definition towards this format of communication we would find the iPhone apps making their prominent presence.

iPhone apps have been quintessentially complemented with the most advanced technological trumps be it web platform, gadget functionality, media or concept for that matter. Any benefit that user seeks from any mode of communication that we have around us today, be it any form or any shape of utility and operation specification it is most promisingly dealt by iPhone application development and its associative proponents.

Most dominating set of propositions to this idea are invariably the functional features that iPhone apps are equipped with to serve the users most advantageously towards their needs of communication. The range of salient features that we could find most strikingly integrated by different iPhone apps and their modules would include the likes of In App Purchase, Compass Functionality, Automatic Routing, GPS Coordinate, BING Services, Geo Fencing, Criteria Based Result Filtering, Map View of Searched Locations, Push Notification and the list goes on.

One couldn't even imagine how dynamically he or she could be served with these prominent smart features that are inseparable part of the evolved communication behavior that we all are swiftly becoming part of.

Be it any business or any personal affair, anything that a human does as a daily life activity, all is in with these incredibly dynamic iPhone features. With such great ideas conceptualized with potential outlets of features it would not be wrong to address iPhone as the smallest possible piece of great technological concepts that let's you connect to the world instantly and seamlessly with ever dynamic potential and range of communication.

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Monday, April 23, 2012

A shorter Account of iPhone Apps of Great Use

Majority from the iPhone touch apps, according that app updates can be seen at TUAW, the UI changes are absolutely minor, causing features changing noticed are remarkable. It's great surprise noticing modifications to iPhone/iPod client in respect of Evernote, which now got announced.

Evernote 4 began devoid of past activity and has completely affected alterations in the program appearance and satisfaction. The launching of original app happened right then and there the App Store started its operations, hence Evernote is the most ancient iPhone app.

The info available shows that they responsible considering changes took note an individual expectations regarding urgent access, convenient notes making excellent; browsing experience besides conveniently finding precisely what the Evernote features are? Evernote app has been in a position to offer, main points expected by way of the users.

Evernote 4, when opened displays the whole notes being a s nippet for viewing on right side. Just in case the note is actually a Text document, by just showing up in the title with little text, the note gets displayed for viewing or editing. If the note relates to an image its small slice can be viewed, in the event that there may be image and text anybody can view the writing title and image thumbnail.
The appreciated change is a way a whole new note may be added. You will find there's big + button required to be tapped located in the center of Evernote 4 buttons bar. This then split screen appearance. At the summit the writing ought to be entered and bottom portion is good for attaching of the image for the note, with capacity for recording as many as 1 hour 30 minutes of audio in connection with the note. There does exist facility of assigning notebooks, tags and site towards note. There does exist possibility of attaching multiple what to the note.

To illustrate illustration if an individual needs to record things about an automobile model, its interior looks, conversation using the dealer on the car all may be recorded conveniently and ultimately tagging it for the dealer's location.


The application is utilized for collection and annotation of Pages, containing great interest, of great use towards App designers possesses massive amount applications more particularly taking snap screenshots of area under view, with capacity add text and storage in collections. Additionally it is people tagging the shots taken.


It's a small iPhone app, that will help viewing iPhoto library present on iPhone and also at some time probability of sending the with full resolution photos on desktop computer using Wi-Fi or 3G when out and about. There are few recent updates turning it into better useful, that happen to be appreciated by the users.

Jack and Joe:

It is very worthwhile interactive iBook for children costing only $2.99. You will find 27 pages within this story book associated with an account of Jack very smart boy with Siberian puppy Joe.


It costs $1.99 only, which can be used by everyone as iOS device, possessing a camera. One could get sharp and bright picture, videos, which can be utilized in Dropbox account with help of 3G or Wi-Fi. Dropphox really needs to be for this iPhone.


It costs $0.99, which can be new iOS photo app, beneficial in converting iPhone to be a photographic machine.

Reiner Knizia's Labyrinth:

It costs $1.99 as well as being the universal trial version as well as being among many iOS only games.


It is the classic game very commonly downloaded and is also at $1.99.

The most up-to-date innovations makes iPhone phone segment popular during the news. There's very rapid development of using of iPhones in diverse spheres of activities.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Always look for skilled iPhone App developers to get effective mobile application

Nowadays mobile phone industry has entered into a revolutionary phase with the evolution of iPhones that are aimed at making new destinations for mobile phone users. iPhone is merely not considered as a simple mobile phone but it provides a wide range of benefits through various apps at the iTunes store. Mobile phone application development industry is rising at a very high speed because of this handheld device. You can even find doctors employing iPhone like a stethoscope to read the heart rate of their patients. The iPhone has included most of the smart phones and various mobile devices available al across the market. In simple words we can say that today's age is iPhone age.

On the other hand, companies are now looking for highly skilled iPhone application developers to create highly customized yet effective mobile phone applications. These applications are aimed to making an end user's mobile experience amazing. Because of the increasing use of iPhones the demand for iPhone app developers has also increased a lot in the past few years. These developers are highly creative as well as proficient in creating dynamic iPhone applications for your mobile device. They procure the high level expertise in providing assistance in developing iPhone applications.

IPhone applications developers are equally capable of providing best-in class solutions and services at affordable costs and on-time delivery. Often specific things seem really possible in the head but are not in actuality. If this is the same case with your application then you can get assured feedback from them. iPhone developers will provide assistance in transforming you mobile device get featured with high end applications that support feasibility and affordability which is the prime objective of the company. In this way, you will end up getting a point where it will be more practical and profitable for you and your business.

Choosing skilled iPhone app developers ensure that mobile based applications will exhibit the capability and expertise. They can meet the requisites of iPhone apps of an individual superbly and well owing to its superior applications supportive nature and capacity to store. There are a wide range of companies that produce various mobile apps for iPhone for different purposes, but it is extremely important to be aware which source in reliable and profitable for you and your business.

To cater these most pressing needs of iPhone App providers, Agicent is geared up to provide complete set of Mobile Application Development services on almost all the leading Mobile OS platforms including Symbian, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, WinMobile, J2ME, and Brew etc.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Create Iphone Apps on Windows - There is no Need to be a Programmer

Games on mobile phones have become extremely popular lately. The days are history when the handset was used just to make and receive calls, and even just for sending and receiving SMS or text messages. Once a lot of individuals loved to listen to music on their mobile phones as well. Well, the fact is, this is still quite popular - you will often see men and women with earphones plugged in, completely unaware of their surroundings. But there's another hot thing that has become extremely popular now, and that is mobile gaming.

Just visit the Appstore of Apple. Did you know that over 4 billion apps have been downloaded from the store? In fact, this this is a wonderful opportunity for the developers to earn some quick money. If you can make iphone apps on windows, you could make tons of money. Developing iphone apps on windows is not difficult at all. And the reality is that, you do not even need to have any programming knowledge. Yes, that is a fact. Even a person who is completely a non-techie can develop these applications. It is really an easy job.

Here's another fact that may surprise you. Did you know that the best selling apps/games are averaging $10,000 daily from downloads? The iphone app developers are actually minting money. And the good news is that, you can also develop iphone apps on windows without being a hardcore programmer, and become immensely successful in making money as well.

Is It Really So Easy?

The answer is both "yes" and "no". "Yes", as you can develop iphone apps on windows, and begin to sell almost instantly, and "no" because, to become successful in selling these applications, you will still need to concentrate on marketing. The fact is, a majority of application developers never make so much cash that they can dance to the bank. They are just earning the bare minimum. But that's hardly comfortable living. If you have taken all this trouble, you must live a more comfortable life. Yes, there is certainly a lot of money out there to be earned, but most of it is being earned by just a handful of guys. These are the people who have realized the importance of marketing.

They don't work 20 hours a day. Rather, they work smart. They know how to market the apps that have been developed. Since, developing iphone apps is not an issue anymore, they can spend their time and efforts in developing the marketing plan that always works. And once it is ready, it starts rolling, and they begin to sell their apps, and that's when they begin to earn. It sounds all very easy - but only once the smart plan is in place.

There was a time when everyone wanted to pick the right tech stock and holding it till it started to boom. Then, the trick was in selecting the proper domain name before anyone else thought about it. But now, to earn cash, you have to get into the mobile sector as this is seeing a lot of action now. Just build iphone apps on windows, roll out the right marketing plan, and you could begin to earn almost instantly. The develop iphone apps on windows plan cannot go wrong.

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Friday, April 20, 2012

IPhone trade in for water damaged Units

I'll get an iPhone trade in, come hell or high water. My life was perfectly fine until I dropped my brother's iPhone to the wash bowl one unlucky night. I was up to brush my teeth when I decided to pose for a picture. I did not know what happened to my hand but the phone just slipped so the running water from the open faucet soaked it.

I freaked out and I was like paralyzed with fear! My brother will surely get mad about this disaster. I am not sure how long it stayed swimming in the water but I think it was about 30 seconds. I managed to get it and dry its outer part with the bath towel. I was having a hard time controlling myself to turn the iPhone on since I wanted to check if it was still working but I was too scared so I left it as it was.

I rushed to my laptop and looked for the best way to deal with the situation. I found a lot of user articles by people who share the same problem I had. They instructed to keep the phone off to avoid short-circuit, dry it with a hair blower on low heat and then put it in a rice bag. I tried following the instructions with the hope of saving the iPhone and saving myself from my brother's rage.

Panicking and completely freaked out, I check the sensors to know if there's still water in it. To my horror, it was pink! Deadly pink. I was losing my grip because I can't come up with a solution on my own. So I decided to go to my brother's room and come clean.

I got a good amount of scolding. If there is one thing I like about my brother, it would be that he easily considers unintentional mishaps as water under the bridge. After all his rants, we checked the phone and searched the internet for solutions again. He told me to look for an iPhone trade in.

My brother wanted an iPhone trade in because he did not want to experience problems that came with using water damaged phone. Even if the phone was still functional, (which I think is because of the rice bag trick) he wanted to make sure that he would not be bothered by the after effects of the water damage, should any manifest. Rather than sending the phone to Millieamp, a repair shop, he decided to have his iPhone trade in for cash to buy a new one.

So, we looked for a refurbishing site where we can make a deal. We found and started reading all about it. As soon as we were satisfied knowing its terms, conditions and satisfactory service, we decided to avail of its iPhone trade in service.
Their iPhone trade in service looked neat. They offer speedy service without having to pay for the shipping fee. We were offered a quote with the amount of $325. It was a big amount but we knew that the offer might go down lower since it has been water damaged. We were not able to indicate how the incident happened so we weren't keeping our hopes high.

Still, we went on with the process for iPhone trade in and waited for the pre-paid box to be delivered to us. The box came Wednesday, 2 days after signing up for the offer. We fixed the package and sent the iPhone on the same day. We were expecting to receive a fair amount from this iPhone trade in. His unit was an iPhone 4 16GB.

As expected, the company, (the experts that they were) thoroughly assessed the effects of the water damage incident and found out that some parts were defective. To begin with, I really didn't have high hopes because water damage is one of the worst gadget conditions. They offered us a new quote for about $269. We ultimately said yes and completed the iPhone trade in transaction.

My brother now owns an iPhone 4 32 GB which he bought immediately a week after in the Apple store for $299. He did not have to pay for repair charges that will cost him more than a hundred bucks. Indeed, it was a great choice to avail of the iPhone trade in. As for myself, I still borrow my brother's iPhone once in a while but I am definitely being extra careful and stay away from water receptacles.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Physical or Water Damage Requiring an iPhone 3g Board Replacement

One of the hazards of having an iPhone in the winter is the sensitivity to water damage. For many people who live in areas with lots of snow and cold weather, or even zones where it simply rains all winter season, the humidity can be a real killer of electronics. Even without actually dropping the phone into water like a puddle, simply talking on it during a rainstorm can result in irreparable damage. This damage is not easy to undo, and often an iphone 3g board replacement will be required. It's extremely helpful to get a protective cover or case for your iphone, at least to use during the winter, but these cases cannot completely eliminate the risk of damage.

For many people, iphones are desirable and convenient because of the sleek, thin design. They can easily be stored in a person's pocket and carried around all night without worrying about discomfort. This little perk can quickly turn into a dangerous feature when the owner forgets about it in a back pocket or chest pocket and it goes tumbling out. The mere act of falling from such a height can necessitate an iphone 3g board replacement, but falling into water during messy, slushy winter storms can be even worse. The first thing that should be done is that the phone should be turned off, especially if there is water damage, and taken apart as best the user can. It should then be left out in a dry environment to air dry for at least 3 to 5 days. After, put the phone back together and see if it's working or not. If it is, then phew you're in luck! If not, it's time to consider an iphone 3g board replacement.

After falling or suffering water damage, the phone may begin to freeze or may not turn on at all. The screen may stay completely black, or the Wi-Fi feature may be troublesome or stop working completely. All of these symptoms are signs that an iphone 3g board replacement is the right course of action. A new piece, or even just a new to you' part can be bought online, but prices vary. If the part is used then it can come for a very affordable price. A new part can, of course, be more expensive. Be sure to shop around for an iphone 3g board replacement, searching in various sources. The less you spend on the actual part the more time, energy and money that can be invested into good solid repair work.

If you have any doubts at all about an iphone 3g board replacement being the right solution for your physically damaged or water damaged iphone, take it to a professional first. However, if you witnessed the damage to the phone and then any of these symptoms presented themselves, it's quite likely the logic board is fried. Those who are so inclined may be able to tackle the repair themselves. Others will send the phone away to be fixed, or even simply sell the phone for parts and get cash back! No matter what, remember prevention is key and always protect iphones with protective covers or cases!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Small Business Marketing and SEO

Small business marketing means to make search engine optimization techniques for a small business website to increase the traffic on website. The search engine optimization techniques improve the small business website to bring the traffic and new business that we always expect from the website of small business. Small business website means that the websites which are having their small business in turn and till these sites are not too much popular yet. Small business websites are not having the too much popularity as well as no traffic on the sites. There are very less no. of visitors to these sites. Therefore these sites owner who just started their business through small business sites are having very less profit from their business.

Now the owner of these small business websites wants their sites to be very popular and wants more and more traffic to his site so that he can get high profit from his small business website. To do this he needs Small business SEO. Small business SEO means to follow SEO techniques to get more traffic on the site and to improve the visibility of the website on the search engine.

Specializing in the small business SEO (search engine optimization), the small business website is optimized to gain rankings in the top ten listings in the search engine rankings. Proven SEO techniques are used to improve the ranking of small business website in the search engine. Search engine optimization is both the niche industry of Internet marketing and a specific set of techniques that guide the creation of a website in order to rank well for specific and relevant keywords at the various search engines.

Internet marketing or small business marketing is very essential for any website that helps a lot to make profit online. With the help of Internet marketing one can promote his business to next level. By using the small business SEO services there are large no. of chances to get visibility to users and generate increased revenue. As a business owner if anybody wants to advertise the products and services that his business offers, it can be done through various Medias such as television, newspapers, magazines, posters etc. But all these Medias are not too much cost and efforts effective. The Internet is a media which is very popular and cost effective way to do Internet marketing.

To get traffic from various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN etc is the important process of Internet marketing which is known as Search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is the form of Internet marketing that promotes the small business websites and increases the visibility in the search engine result pages. There are two ways to get high rankings and more traffic. One is to get the higher rank in the search engines natural results is through Search engine optimization and another is pay per click advertising in which sponsored advertising is bought on search engine.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Difference of Local Small Business Marketing Online

The World Wide Web is indeed making its name, literally. The Internet is fast becoming an instant form of communication towards individuals from almost every part of the world, and with local and international businesses developing websites in order for these Internet users to view and possibly be potential consumers for their product or service. This virtual world seems to be making our world more compact and connected, with a lot of business and personal websites wanting to have that space where people can easily see their website, amongst the thousands of other business competitors.

However, there is a niche when it comes to local small businesses. When compared with international or large businesses, their target market would be much smaller, since they can only reach out to one specific location, it would also depend on their line of business, if it for the general public or for a smaller target market. Either way, marketing a small local business may be quite different when compared with international businesses.

For local small business marketing, the techniques used must be more focused and in tune with the local community. Of course, the competition will decrease significantly, but there would still be competitors present. For most small businesses operating locally, their best bet would be to ask for professional Internet marketing services.

Companies that have proper experience and knowledge on local small business marketing techniques are there to help small businesses reach out to a wider audience, even if it is out of their location. More often than not, this increases the chances of them being visible online, thus giving them an edge against their local competitors. This would also add to their level of popularity, making sure that people who will be visiting their location would remember about their business through their website.

Local small business marketing techniques does not differ from the usual internet marketing techniques. However, considering the scope of their business, these marketing strategies are tweaked so that it can effectively market the business without being too overboard. Internet marketing companies make sure that their strategies are in line with the business industry, as well as their target market on the local scene.

Even if the business is small or just starting, getting professional assistance from local small business marketing companies can certainly help with regards to letting the local community know about the business. By having the right techniques and practicing the right website management, the small business is definitely off to a great start.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Investigative Computer Forensics: Examining Virtual Evidence in the Twenty-First Century

Computer forensics may sound like a concept for the next TV drama series to follow CSI and Law & Order, but it's an everyday reality in today's technology-driven world, albeit a lesser-known reality far behind custom software development and network hosting services.

Computer forensic examiners are like modern-day private investigators in the computer world. They often work with confidential information in a private, secure setting. There's no physical crime scene, but a hard drive can host a virtual crime scene that examiners can't wait to crack open.

Computer forensics is still a relatively new and way cool concept. So what exactly is it all about?

Investigative computer forensics serves business and legal purposes in many industries, basically any sector that relies on electronic data. Law firms, government agencies, corporations, organizations and educational institutions enlist the help of computer forensic consultants in both civil and criminal lawsuits. Computer forensic examiners are highly trained to understand the complexity of restoring electronic data that seems to have been deleted. Or has it?

That's what Senior Implementation Specialist and Computer Forensic Examiner Mike Nelson works to find out every day at Miles Technologies, a leading IT Company in southern New Jersey. Mike oversees many forensic projects from start to finish and brings an enormous wealth of expertise to the Miles Technologies computer forensic team. He answered the following questions to shed some light on this mysterious subject.

Based on your experience in computer forensics, what is the biggest challenge you face in your line of work?

The biggest challenge is making each step of a forensics case clear and concise. We want to make sure our clients know what a forensic case entails and how complex it could be. Even the most basic examination can be lengthy and complicated. Many steps need to be taken to properly document, image, and analyze the computer equipment in order to maintain the chain of custody and follow the best practices. Our goal at Miles Technologies is to keep our customers happy and well informed.

How long would you say an average computer forensic case takes from start to finish?

Well, when it comes to computer forensics there really is no "average" case. Each case has its own unique twist or spin and presents different challenges and requests. For example, one case could involve exporting emails or recovering deleted items. Another case could involve network intrusions and undesired access to data. Each case is unique and each case is treated with the utmost importance.

Miles Technologies strives for a 10 business day turnaround, but that depends on multiple factors. Some of those factors could include the size and number of machines or drivers involved in the case.

What seems to be the usual response from customers after you complete their forensic investigation?

The response is generally enthusiastic, but it depends on what we find. If the results show their client was lying or it didn't happen "just one time," then usually they are grateful for the truth, but know they have a whole other matter to deal with.

Of the forensic services you offer, what makes up the majority of your work?

In general, forensic investigations and data recovery are what I usually work on, but lately email investigations and data recovery have been the hot topics. Each case is unique, complex, and challenging, and that's what makes this job so interesting. Everyone at Miles Technologies, including myself, is very proud that our experienced, highly trained and well-certified computer forensic team can tackle the most complex forensic cases.

For more information about computer forensics and other IT services from Miles Technologies, please visit

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

IPhone App UI Design-Outsourcing India Enhanced You Throughout

To exaggerate the performance whether in business or any other any other work processes one needs the ultimate apps development so that through one can make the things the way he like with the ultimate functioning and results. iPhone apps design or iPhone app UI design has the ultimate capability to bring you the best iPhone app design through which you can make functioning of the various process as accordingly the way you want or desire. Today in the fast moving techno worlds what counts the most -easy functioning and ultimate result so is the iPhone app UI design stand for.

One needs to understand what this iPhone app UI design actually do and what is its capability to bring on. As the UI design is strategic development and provides the analysis of functionality requirement. It also makes you to analyze potential users of the system either through discussion or the potential users themselves. It also enables you to develop the process or information flow of t he system. This is helpful for the prototyping and usability testing. These design actually look and makes feel design of the final graphical user interface that is termed as GUI.

So to get the amazing functionality with the graceful development one must get to the best and ultimate development companies for the professional yet experienced assistance. Don't think about the development cost as it would be nominal as you get to the outsourcing development companies which are offering their development services at easy rate. So for the best outsourcing of the iPhone app UI design services one must get to the Indian development companies as these development companies are initiating from the last decade and these pioneering companies are incredible in offering their lucrative development services at low rate with the experienced flare and grace which ensures you to get the ultimate result the way you want or desire.

If you want to make your usability a k ey function to get succeed then iPhone app UI design is the most prominent solution for you .Indian outsourcing development companies are in the limelight or in the main focus as they provides the lucrative development packages at easy budget. If you need to get their assistance you need to get in contact with these outsourcing development companies and the expert will assist and suggest you the best and ultimate development option in your desired manner or within your budget. These outsourcing development companies provides the flexible hiring of the professional iPhone app UI designer so that you can get the assistance in your time or availability.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Features of an iphone app development company

The iPhone has been quite popular in the market of smart phones due to the various applications installed in it. These iPhone applications have been a boon to the businesses as they have added to the comfort and ease for the working of complex activities of the companies. However, developing these applications is not the only thing that suffices the need of the businesses. In fact an iPhone app development company needs to make sure that the applications are not very difficult to use by the users because if the application is not user-friendly then instead of being helpful the application turns out to be more troublesome for the consumers.

Time is a vital factor in the business world today and every personnel wants to make sure that s/he can have an optimum utilization of his/her time. Thus an iPhone app development company must make sure that the application is fast and can complete the task briskly so that users find value in using their iPhone application. If the iPhone application is time consuming then it will be really hard to retain a user as s/he will always be on a look out for another resource to replace the iphone application and save on his/her time.

iPhone app development UK has been working towards making life more simple and convenient for all the users of iPhone applications. After a thorough research, the company is now familiar with the requirement of the users and is thus making sure to fulfill it. For any iPhone app developer it is necessary to understand it's consumer's perspective which is very well learnt by iPhone app development UK. It understands that for developing an iPhone application one has to have an innovative thinking and experience to support the formation of the application.

Thus with the presence of companies having trained professionals, innovative methods, latest technology, exclusively attractive designs, enhanced graphics & animations supporting the applications and making it available to the users at the most reasonable and suitable price is something that is worth paying for and making life better and trouble-free at your workplace.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

How to use iphone apps?

The opportunities for iPhone applications developers have never been better. Apple has paid out over 2 billion dollars to developers with App in the iPhone app store. IPhone developers' work-for-hire is the top paid job in the software industry.

The iPhone Boot Camps are possibly the most reasonable and experienced iPhone application development workshops. Our rates are often half the price of other workshops and our instructors are the most practiced in the field, with apps in the top ten in the iPhone store and/or authors of popular books on iPhone development.

Since 2008, we have trained and guided over 1,000 developers in over more then sixty workshops in the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK . The training varies from on-site training sessions for Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, General Motors, Bank of America and three and six day thorough and intensive workshops for developers enrolled from companies and independent or individual software developers.

We are the only iPhone training to offer advanced workshops and a full money back guarantee following the first day of the workshop if you are not entirely contented with the training no questions asked. Bear in mind that if you do not have a fundamental understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) the workshop will be tremendously challenging.

We specialize and our focus is only on iPhone application development training. No other iPhone workshop has trained and prepared as many developers as we have and we have gained a great deal of knowledge from every single one of our training sessions. Our workshops use proven and verified course materials, developed and tested over time and we teach the latest versions of the SDK/XCode currently IOS 5.0. The workshops are all hands small workshops with one-on-one hands on, practical and concrete instructions under the direct supervision of the trainer.

At the conclusion or at the end of the workshop, we present an industry recognized certificate and membership in our immense network of iPhone Boot Camp alumni to further advance and promote your career/profession in iPhone development, as well as job postings from our alumni and other companies. Normally, after the workshops developers pursue and follow up their training with the trainers and partner on developing apps and if we have room accessible in our other workshops we offer or grant you the opportunity to take the workshop over at no additional cost. Hence, the follow up is free of cost.

Our duty is to train you to develop iPhone apps by yourself and most developers are able to so after completing the training program. In fact iPhone Boot Camp alumni now have applications in the top ten in the Apple store with millions of downloads.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

An iPhone App Can Detect Cardiac Rate

Recently, an iPhone app that measures breathing rate and cardiac rate was developed and it becomes more and more popular. The developer utilizes the iPhone's built-in video camera to monitor cardiac rate. Patients can just use iPhones to monitor their health conditions without doctors at any time.

Many doctors praise this iPhone app for its excellent practicability. It can transmit an accurate signal about vital sign of a patient as the professional medical equipment can. Details of the new technology are reported in the paper "Physiological Parameter Monitoring from Optical Recordings with a Mobile Phone," published online, in advance of print, by the journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

This app provides patients with great conveniences. Patients don't need to take extra medical equipments anywhere. They just take their iPhones and use the apps to detect their vital sign at all times. One of the advantages of mobile phone monitoring is that it allows patients to make baseline measurements at any time, building a database that could allow for improved detection of disease states.

This app's primary developer is Chon who is a specialist in signal processing. He is very famous in his own field for creating the algorithms that can detect patients' vital signs by utilizing common medical equipments. In order to develop this app, he developed and optimized the algorithm to let the app collect the accurate data by iPhone's built-in camera. As the camera's light penetrates the skin, it reflects off of pulsing blood in the finger; the application is able to correlate subtle shifts in the color of the reflected light with changes in the patient's vital signs. There are a few colleagues participating this app development including Yitzhak Mendelson, associate professor of biomedical engineering, Domhnull Granquist-Fraser, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, and doctoral student Christopher Scully.

In order to verify the data accuracy, they utilize the standard medical devices to detect different kinds of experiment contents, such as breathing rate, cardiac rate, beating of the arteries and blood oxygen. At the same time, a group of people use mobile phone to test the same experiment contents. While all devices were recording, the volunteers went through a series of breathing exercises while their vital signs were captured. Subsequent analysis of the data showed that Chon's new smart phone monitor was as accurate as the traditional devices. While this study was done on a Droid, Chon said the technology is easily adaptable to most smart phones with an embedded video camera.

In addition to that, Chon has a plan to develop another iPhone app to monitor atrial fibrillation because ventricular arrhythmia is the most obvious symptom of atrial fibrillation and the app that monitor cardiac rate inspired him. "We are developing that application now, and we have started a preliminary clinical study with colleagues at UMass Medical School to use the smart phone to detect atrial fibrillation," Chon said.

This excellent app has no iPad version and they are doing their best to develop and optimize it for iPad. We believe patients can detect beating of the arteries by iPad in a few days. They have applied to patents for this iPhone app. "Imagine a technician in a nursing home who is able to go into a patient's room, place the patient's finger on the camera of a tablet, and in that one step capture all their vital signs," Chon said. "We believe there are many applications for this technology, to help patients detect themselves, and to help clinicians care for their patients."

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Iphone Apps-Photography Is Easy Now

I love capturing the random moments like when the sun beams wash my face with its utter purity, when I go and brush my teeth, when I eat Cadbury chocolates, when I dress up which is a usual thing (laughs), when I watch television and taking pictures of my favorite show Operah , when I go out with friends, when I party and after a long tiring day, when I go to bed I take my pictures too. Period.

Actually I want to see how I am looking at that very moment, and how I have been all day long. That's crazy I know. But photographing the randomness and nature is something I am completely in love with. If you are that crazy about photography, you are my true friend because they say, friends are soul sharer. Aren't they?

iPhone has brought many photography apps for its photography-lover users. Some iPhone apps are just more than amazing, whilst other are not bad either, it all depends on what do you want in your touch-screen iPhone set.

Artist's Tou ch 1.0.1

Artist's touch 1.0.1 is incredible iPhone apps. It has nine media tools and six paper textures, which gives you wide range of adjusting your picture the way you want to. It allows control brush size and color capacity of every tool, and a nice preview is awaited than. Erasing option is a little stiff; you can remove all colors and effects all the way to blue prints whether you want it or not. If you don't have anything to edit, there is an option in this iPhone app, a blank canvas to invoke your artistry capacities. Doodles go on iPhone too.

This iPhone app has following media tools,




Oil Painting




Pen and Ink

Scratch Board

Paper textures are available in following options,



Cracked Paint

Rough Paper



There are few drawbacks in Artist's touch 1.0.1 iPhone app,

You can't undo what you have done, but undo option can be accessed in the export option as a separate tool. So that is a way long process to undo things.

Gallery holds an edit option which is difficult to use because of the Menu bar placement at top of screen. So it will give you real hard time when you w ant to delete some data.

Colors are limited to 49 and no mixing option is available too. That's bad.

But still Artist's touch 1.0.1 iPhone app is way better than other photography iPhone apps. I am coping with it despite the mentioned drawbacks because the benefits are higher than drawbacks. This iPhone apps costs $7.99 only.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

iPhone App Development for Sports

Sport is a highly integrated part of our life. People like to play, watch the games and keep themselves informed about the games. In due course they take many initiatives and mobile is one of the devices, which keep them informed about the latest development in sports. iPhone app developers have created many useful apps in sports and some of them have been discussed here.

Soccer Touch

FIFA is just like a festival for soccer lovers. On this occasion Soccer Touch keeps you updated with the latest information regarding to 2010 FIFA world cup. You will have knowledge about the nations that take part in world cup. You will have complete knowledge about schedules, Venues, squad list, etc.

This iPhone app development has following features:

Matches- Get details about groups, knockout stage and refer to Calendar Groups- Access information about all teams from A to H groups. Teams- 32 teams, know better about anyone, just select it Venue- Host nation is South Africa; know the city, venue and stadium of beautiful South Africa. News- Know the latest world cup news. Match stats- Keep track and compare match fixture and standing. Game- Play penalty shootout game and warm you.

Live Cricket Free

Live cricket free delivers live score for cricket, match details, commentary and cricket news to your iPhone.

Cricket live score iPhone app development covers live scores from all over the world competitions like Asia cup, Australia, UK, ICC Champions trophy, India, International games, International T20 series, Pakistan, South Africa, and all world cup matches. Live cricket features complete match details like inning details, scores, batsman statistics, bowler statistics, team line ups, etc. Live cricket features live commentary coverage feed for games including wickets, commentary along with points and more information. You can add games in your favorite list and can browse only interested games in separated screen. You can browse and read latest news from cricket world.

All About Billiards

This iPhone app development is about a great game called Billiards. It offers nearly 70 Billiards games and all games have their own rules that given before the game start. You might not be familiar with most of the game and can enjoy its thrill. This iPhone app has following features:

Very easy to use glossary based interface Powerful search engine that can be used quickly and effortlessly find what you are looking for Unique interface make browsing this app a breeze Direct email access through app You can give your feed back directly through app

ESPN Score

With this iPhone app development you will have personalized score board for every game ESPN covers. You will have live game details like plays, in game stats, box-scores, scoring summaries, standing, etc. It will cover football, cricket, rugby union, formula 1, golf, tennis, NBA basketball, MLB baseball, NFL football, NHL ice-hockey, Olympics, etc.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

iPhone Application Builder- How to become an iPhone App Builder

You may have heard about i Shoot, an i Phone app and its builder who was working with Sun Microsystems and built iShoot in his spare time. This iPhone app builder has quit his day job and become a full time developer. This is one example but there are many instances available that the developer of different domain becomes the iPhone app builder. If you want to become an iPhone app builder here are some tips for you.

Buy a Mac

iPhone is an Apple product and it needs development environment in Mac. iShoot was developed on old MacBook with 1GB of memory, knackered wi-fi and an Ethernet port. Mac Minis are powerful, easy on desk space. They are also easy to move round, developers can take them home at weekend!

Get the SDK

Apple provides free SDK (software development kit) on their developer site. You can download it and use for development. This kit has everything you need to get going, including development environment called X-code, the iPhone simulator for testing, performance analyzers, interface builders and the full documentation reference library.

Learn Objective C

This is primary programming language for iPhone development. It is nothing but extension of C to include object-oriented principle. It has scripting elements to it, so is easier to pick up than some languages and anyone with programming experience should be able to transfer their skills. Apple developer forum is the best place to ask your doubts and grow further.

Start Writing

Start writing something. Forget about the language you are going to learn. This is the most practical way of learning something quickly. This is more or less a standard procedure in the development community when you are exposed to a new platform. Something should appear on the screen. The SDK comes with example projects and you can learn it through reverse engineering. You can build it by your own way adding extra features.

Be Official Developer

To become an official iPhone app builder you are to sign up as an official developer at Apple store. There is a standard procedure and you can follow up easily. Sign up also helps you to test your code on actual iPhone rather than onscreen emulator. Once you are on the developer program you will receive a certificate which allows you to pair up with iPhone device.


Once you finish the development you submit your app to the Apple store. It is a simple and straightforward procedure. Upload the zip and select the icon and write the description and wait for the approval for a week.

This way you will become an iPhone app builder and earn lot of money with it.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to Locate Talented iPhone App Developers

Find iPhone app developers whose talent and expertise take your app from conception to reality. It's not difficult to find an app developer, but it is difficult to find one that really understands how to make a stellar application. Read below as we share some of the common places people have found iPhone app developers. We also offer some tips on how to work with one once you've found him and her. After reading, you'll be prepared to begin your search. Good luck!

You will find iPhone app developers:

Online Some app developers advertise via online posting boards such as Craig's List. You may even find a few companies out there in cyberspace that claim to do only application development. These companies usually employ developers who are very tech-minded. It makes sense that the Web is a great place to find an iPhone app developer. After all, these professionals love all things tech-related and often find themselves gravitating toward such forums.
In phone book listings Many app developers eschew this route because they believe it to be antiquated. You are much more likely to find an iPhone app developer online.

At local electronics stores Nearly everyone working in the computer sections at electronic stores is tech-minded. Ask an employee if he or she knows of any great programmers. Word of mouth can often be the best way to find these techies, as they are praised when their work is great and vilified when it is not.

Once you've found a listing or company online that looks promising, do your homework. Ask for references. Compare pricing. Take a few of the applications the developer has made on test runs. Also, make sure rapport is open with this person because you are entrusting them to make your application look and run like the one you see when you close your eyes.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Create An iPhone App - Easy Guide

Learn To Create An iPhone App - My Guide

How would you like to offer < a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3577649']);" href=>an iPhone application for your website or blog?

All the hardcore Objective-C developers have been having a hay-day writing apps for the iPhone. You might have even tried reading a tutorial or two about developing for the iPhone, but its C-or a form of it-and it's really hard to learn.

I don't want to say that you should give up on the objective: you can get it eventually. But in the meantime, there is something else that you can do. This involves no programming or something close to it. If you have an idea for an App, read on!
It's the buzz on the street. < a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3577649']);" href=>The iPhone has created unprecedented excitement and innovation from people both inside and outside the software development community. Still for those outside the development world, the process is a bit of a mystery.

Keep it simple in the beginning. Start with a few simple ideas and execute them. By keeping your scope relatively small, you can get things done a lot faster. You can always expand some a project, once it works.

Sketch out your idea. By "sketch" I mean literally sketch. Line out a 9-rectangle grid on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and get to sketching! Ask yourself these questions:

- What information does each screen need to present?
- How can we take the user from point A to point B to point C?
- How should elements on the screen be pro portioned or sized in relation to each other (i.e. is this thing even tap-able?)

In short: Get your idea on paper and check out how to put it into a working App. Check out iPhone App developer for dummies for more information!

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Apple iPhone 3G 8GB

The Apple iPhone 3G 8GB is probably the most anticipated pieces of technology this year; of course it's been out in the US for a while now with much anger from the US consumers over AT&T's iron grip approach to the use of the iPhone. Unfortunately it seems that AT&T was so influential in the design of the iPhone that no matter where you are in the world AT&T's influence can be felt. The iPhone is not just a phone. As always Apple has created a lifestyle product.

The iPhone is more an iPod Touch with a web browser, a camera, a go-anywhere mail client with the option to make phone calls when you feel the need. The excitement surrounding the iPhone is testimony to the brilliant minds in Apple's marketing department, because in all honesty the iPhone is not really that good. It's great to have a phone with extra functionality which the iPhone has a whole range of, yet it fails at the simplest phone orientated tasks. The iPhone has no Java app support, so those of you who use Mxit will be out of luck. The camera doesn't have a zoom, not even a digital one, and there is no option for taking videos. There is no MMS functionality which seems to be a step backwards for technology.

The fact that the iPhone is 3G and comes with a minimum of 250MB of data built into the contract will have some people dreaming of using the iPhone as a 3G modem, well unfortunately as we discovered there is no option to use the iPhone as a 3G modem (thank you AT&T) in fact to accomplish this little feat requires some serious workarounds.

It's these little nagging details that start to chip away at the iPhone's veneer, even Nokia's that go for less than half of the iPhone's price can meet these rather easy requirements. The iPhone does have a few redeeming factors, for those workaholics who have Microsoft exchange servers at their office the iPhone will happily receive your emails so you will never be out of contact; and for those who do not have to deal with the corporate world Gmail and Yahoolmail accounts are supported. Thanks to the 3G connection the iPhone web functionality really shines, Google Earth and Maps are built in, along with weather and stock market applications.

The best web app however is the YouTube application, with the 3G connection YouTube videos buffer extremely quickly and there is nothing like showing someone that funny YouTube clip that you saw instead of just telling them about it. The built-in WiFi means that you can use your home ADSL instead of the 3G connection. The iPhone's multi-touch screen is a great interface and it makes using the phone an addictive experience, while the sounds make the screen seem as responsive as a normal keypad until you attempt an SMS. The iPhone OS is extremely user friendly and the layout makes accessing all the functions simple. Apple hasn't included iTunes so you will need to download it to be able to move music and videos to the iPhone.

Although it lacks functions that most phones come with standard, there will always be a hushed tone when you pull it out your pocket in a crowded room - it really is that awe inspiring, even if it is just a fashion accessory.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

What You Need To Do To Get A Free Apple IPhone 4

There are lots of people who are not familiar with the testing program set up by major marketing companies. Right now there is an incredible opportunity to do some testing for Apple's latest inventions when they are new to the market, new products like the Apple iPhone 4 that is being handed out for FREE to individuals to test.

You may possibly think that it's impossible fore an outsider to test for Apple and that it is impossible to receive a free Apple iPhone 4 just for agreeing to do some testing.

Well, you couldn't be any more wrong! All you need do is to find the promotional websites online of marketing companies that have set aside a certain number of free Apple iPhone 4 phones for people that sign up as testers. Normally you are just required to fill out a survey or questionaire for your troubles and not provide them some long drawn out lengthy review. It doesn't get much more complicated than this.

What you need to understand is that there are these marketing companies that get millions of dollars each year to carry out marketing inquiries with the purpose of determining what people think of products and to get recommendations to improve them. To accomplish this, these companies must go out into the marketplace and recruit people to do the testing. They have to use inticements to get people's help. They are known to give away fancy gifts and toys (like a completely free brand new iPhone 4) to cajole us to hand over to them our true feelings about products and fill out their surveys. It's truly a win-win situation for every person that takes part because the company receives the information they need and a tester gets to keep the product tested, in this case a completely new Apple iPhone 4 for FREE!

Don't be fooled into believing people who say that everything on the Internet is loaded with gimmicks and falsehoods and that

it is not possible to get a fre e iPhone 4 just by agreeing to test it out. It really is true and is being done by testers everywhere! Find the online sites that have the testing offers, fill in your email address, and then hopefully you will be on your way to receive your free iPhone 4 for testing! Good luck!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Explanations Why You Must Get Apple iPhone

So long asit is an Apple, browsers will gather and acquire the latestcraze. This also means the Apple iPhone, simply the most in style and probably the most progressive of all of the touch screen phones available that you can purchase now. Its fine black case hides the countless programs designed for this cellular phone.

There are so many people that aspire to be Apple iPhone owners, regrettably they might need to live with a vexation of not having what theyfancy. That's because Apple is comparatively resistant to digital viruses plus all of the apps you will ever fancy of.

What are the pluses to acquire an Apple iPhone? Wellhere'ssomethings to think about:

The touchscreen works impeccably, not like some which are a malfunction

It'snot pricey

It's light as well as ergonomically right

You control more functions than you know very well what to do with

You obtain a high quality camera along with your cellular phone

It doesn't have a problem with 3G links

Thein-builtHTML browser allows you to surf the net

It processes different types of leisure applications and it can be used to play web video games.

It may be considered a gaming computer in a cellular phone as it can top an Xbox and also the PlayStation 2 rather easily

If it is to be used like a phone its sound system offer legible as well as crisp resonance which makes discussion very comfortable

You willby no meansstray with its built-in GPS as well as another functions previously programmed.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Apple iPhone 4 - Coolest Gadget Ever

Apple has given most stunning handsets that has met the expectations of millions of people. This, time Apple has given the most sophisticated handset Apple iPhone 4. The handset has the dimensions measuring 115.2x58.6x9.3mm. Very light to carry, the handset is measuring only 137 grams in weight. The stunning handset is released on June, 2010. It has 5MP camera with all the features like auto focus, LED flash, geo tagging, touch focus etc is provided in the handset. It gives fine quality pictures. Messaging can be done through number of options available such as SMS, MMS, Email, Push mail and so on. It is available in two gorgeous colors black and white. People can go for the most favorite color according to their choice.

Apart from all these, the smart handset is having number of other features like scratch resistant oleophobic surface, multi touch input method, accelerometer sensor for auto rotate, three-axis gyro sensor, proximity sensor for auto turn off. T he handset is having 16/32GB storage options. Apple iPhone 4 deals are the cost effective deals that are available at all the leading network service providers of UK like Vodafone, Orange, T Mobile, Three, O2 and many more. Cheap iPhone contracts are also available in which the user is required to sign a contract with a network service provider for some time. Monthly rentals are paid in contract deals. Apple iPhone 4 is best for personal and business use.

They are high tech gadgets that are appreciated by people of all ages. Apple iPhone 4 deals can be availed both online as well as offline. There is pay as you go and SIM free deals also available to suit different needs of mobile users. People can avail number of free gifts with the contract phones such as iPOD, play station, gaming consoles, mobile accessories, laptop, digital camera, LCD and much more. Number of offers and discounts are also there. Internet is one of the best options availabl e to look for the valuable information for these deals. There are online mobile comparison shops that .gives better idea to lock the most appropriate deal.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Online Office Professional Career Education Options

Businesses and organizations need staff members that understand how to run an office efficiently. Completing one of several office professional degree programs teaches students the skills necessary to perform these tasks. Many online accredited colleges provide students with the knowledge to create strong working conditions inside an office setting.

The best office professional training options are found at the certificate and associate's degree level of education. These undergraduate options provide students with essential skills to perform office duties as well as operate the latest technologies utilized by businesses. Further study at the bachelor's degree level prepares students for managerial positions inside the industry. Master's degrees are not widely available but some schools offer office administration programs for students that want to step into upper-level management. Online education offers a number of different options to gain specialized training. Students can complete programs in office technology, executive assisting, office administration, and more.

A popular option is completing online education in administrative office technology. Certificate and associates degree programs prepare students to enter work as administrative assistants. Both office technology and administrative duties are learned as students study a wide range of topics. Coursework typically consists of online studies in computer systems, Microsoft Office programs and spreadsheets and databases. Coursework prepares students to create business documents and presentations. Supervising staff and coordinating travel arrangements are other aspects of the job learned through online schooling.

Students that complete online programs in executive assisting learn to work with professionals by conducting various tasks inside the workplace. Online education teaches students their role as an assistant by exploring the different duties requested of today's modern professional. Common online courses that may be integrated into a program include:

Accounting Records Management Business Writing and Grammar

Students explore how to efficiently schedule meetings and manage the calendar for all work related events. A records management course trains students how to properly be the office bookkeeper and coordinate payroll. Most degrees are obtainable at the associate's and bachelor's level.

Students that want to earn a bachelor's degree or higher can consider becoming office professionals by completing office administration programs. Education is focused on giving students the ability to provide business support to an office or an individual. Online courses cover a wide range of subjects that may include:

Business Math Machine Transcription Business Communications

Students learn a wide range of skills that prepare them to help keep an office running smoothly. Ordering office supplies, creating databases, developing accurate filing systems, and corresponding through e-mails are all specific work related tasks learned inside a bachelor's degree program. Further education is typically awarded through certifications. For example, the Certified Administrative Professional designation has students complete an examination that covers in depth topics in office technology and organizational management.

The highly competitive field is best entered with an educational background. Students that complete an accredited online office professional education have the most employment opportunities. Full accreditation is provided by agencies like the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) to programs that provide a quality education. Complete a program and step into a position as a highly qualified and respected professional.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Android Phones Offer Greater Choice For Consumers

If you're searching for a brand new mobile phone, you'll likely find your self considering a mobile phone that runs one of two big smartphone operating systems. While you'd be happy with either, there are numerous advantages to deciding on a great Android cellphone.

One thing you observe when researching a brand new phone is the phone itself. In the event you opt for an iOS cellphone, there are basically a pair of possibilities. You may pick the current generation Apple iPhone 4 or perhaps the older iPhone 3GS. The choice here's quite simple, taking into account the majority would likely pick the more recent Apple iPhone 4. The specifications are usually enhanced across the board and saving $150 isn't enough to move to the older Apple iPhone.

When you consider Android based phones, there are loads options. To begin with, you aren't tied to just two US service providers. Both Sprint in addition to T-Mobile do not currently offer the apple iphone, however they do offer handsets running Google android. With the opportunity to shop all major carriers, you are not confined with your choices. In addition, you are not limited by a couple of devices. Each service offers a plethora of options. If you prefer a physical keyboard, you may select a Droid Pro that has a portrait keyboard or possibly a Droid 2 with a horizontal QWERTY keyboard. Users considering a 4G smartphone can look at the HTC EVO 3D or even the forthcoming Droid Bionic on Verizon. As a client, you have a range of options in terms of your own mobile phone alternative.

Since you now see there are way more choices from a hardware view, let's take a glance at why the operating system is definitely beneficial. Google's Android operating-system is basically open. Phones are expensive, consequently consumers must have the right to make modifications they want to the software. Apple frowns upon tweaks of iOS and in fact it voids your warranty. This is simply not the case with Google. They embrace open computing and in most cases help it become straightforward to achieve root access, enabling people to install custom ROM's and more. From the minute you turn on an Android phone, you will see the wide array of possibilities. It is possible to pimp out wallpapers including live wallpapers that will animate in the background. Google even allows you to install third party widgets for instance a clock, weather, stock plus much more. These aren't accessible in iOS.

When picking your next phone, you should think about both Apple's iphone 4 along with devices that run Google's Android OS. With the massive variety of devices, selection of carrier and software customization, there are various reasons to make Android your next phone.

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