Amazon's Kindle .?
Anyone have it? Do you like it? Is it worth $399? I don't own one, and I don't plan to. I looked into it when it first came out. From everything I read, Kindle 1.0 have too many issues that need to be worked out, and considering the compatability issues and prices of compatible books, it's...
Amazon's Kindle. UK Release Date or predictions?
When Amazon released the Kindle 2, they said they were working towards a worldwide release. I really want one, but it's not worth shipping from US without 3G. Any thoughts on a UK release date? No one knows. It be said to have plan to go outside the U.S. since the Kindle 1 is released, but...
Amazons's Kindle vs. Sony Reader Digital Book?
ive been thinking of buying on of these, which would you recommend? why is one better then the other? pros and cons please! The sony reader is a bit chea per than the Kindle 2. However, I'll still suggest the Kindle 2, unless you are outside the US (because Amazon doesn't allow order of the Kindle...
AMC fan??What do you judge Zack is going to do when he finds out Kindle slept beside Aidan?
Zack is too good to her, she doesn't deserve him. Greenlee doesn't deserve Aidan either. What do y'all think? He will try to keep his marriage to-gether,but this will finally tear it apart.No trust no conjugal. Unfortunately, I devise Zach will forgive her. I'm...
Antonym of haggle, lota, indenture, butt in, jowlar, kindle, knack, noxious, hatred.?
Refer Oxford Dictionary for the same. Here you go again - antonym resources a word meaning the opposite.So look up these words in a dictionary, then deem of the opposite.What is the point of the exam if we do all the work for you? Where are you being asked these...
Any apposite amazon kindle books?< br />does any1 noe any books that apply on the kindle with bad language and sex? Here is a suitable one: Or find in this category to see if anything match your need:
Any Kindle 2 users? I'm thinking almost buying one...?
I'm looking into purchasing one, and I was just wondering if it has a backlight contained by order to read in the dark. This is a big part that I need, because I do nighttime reading... Nope! No back table lamp. you will have to buy an accessory light at is a...
Any one have problems near an Amazon Kindle 2 display experience?
the upper half of the screen has blank spots and horizontal and vertical stripes. Out of the box smaller amount than 48 hours and went bad while sitting on a desk top. I was not even near. I went to show it to a friend and it was screwed.
Any one own a Kindle from Amazon
If you do, how is it?Is it worth the price?Does it work well?Any other info or opinions on it you'd like to share?I know roughly the video clip on Amazon describing it and all, but I wanted unbiased opinion of it from those who've actually bought and used it.Thanks. I have had my kindle for 3...
Any one own the amazon kindle?
Does it work good should I get it?I like to read like mad but Im not sure if i should get the kindlewhen u buy and download books does it take your credit card or can it be like itunes where on earth u buy cards and enter the code.If it does take credit card is there...
Any other products resembling the Kindle? My friend reads ALOT.So I thought I'd buy her something like the Kindle, but I'd like to look at my option.So, any other products similar to the Kindle?Reference- you. I'll say the Kindle 2. It is slim in size and I love it very much. I bet your friend will love it too. Yes here are...
Any thought when the kindle will come out cheaper and how much it will be?
I really want the kindle but 300 bucks is a lot. Any idea when it will come out cheaper and if so how much? I've just given an answer to a similar sound out here: Hope it helps :) I don't think it will for Kindle...
Anybody getting the Kindle 2.0?
I just ordered mine and I'm super excited! I still love my traditional hard copies of books but then I'm a big gadget personality as well. I love the convenience that the Kindle offers so I k now I'm going to have fun near it. I'm still going to buy traditional books as well. What are your thoughts on...
Anyone enjoy the Kindle reader?
I am looking for some feedback on the kindle e-reader. Does anyone here have one? I recently recieved the Amazon Kindle as a giftI own wanted one for over a year! i absolutely love it. When you first get it you will enjoy the Kindle User Guide on your kindle, so while reading it you will become...
how do you like it? is it just as good as a book (hard to believe lol)make happen mine is coming in march and i'm curious Kindle 2 Latest Generation look good. I approaching new feature for Kindle2.Please look new factor at Amazon Good Luck.
Anyone hold the Amazon Kindle?
How much was it, and do you like it? was it worth the $$$? where on earth can i get it less expensiv e? Well less expensive or free..whichever you prefer. is giving away a free Kindle!Enter Here: Source(s):
Anyone next to an Amazon Kindle?
What is your opinion of it?I love to read, and I've played with these things a lot and they're awesome, but I'm worried I'd miss the idea of actually having a book in my hand. Is it worth the $400? I have one and I love it. They used a technology for the screen which make...
Anyone out nearby enjoy an Amazon Kindle 2?
I was thinking of asking my husband to get one for me for my birthday in May. How do you approaching it? Is it really easy to read from? Can you get most books? How much money do you save on books? For the ebooks, check the bestsellers and you...
Anyone own a Kindle and live outside the US? Please transmit me how you use it.?
My wife and I are moving out of the US to Europe for my job and she would like to get a Kindle DX (that's the larger, more expensive one) back we leave.We're wondering how it will work once outside of the US -- we understand that...
Anyone own a kindle or sony reader?
just got the sony reader but wanted to know if the ebook store is the simply plae you can get books for the sony reader or if amazon will work with it like it does for the kindle.or any other websites that wor for the sony reader? No, sony reader cannot work on books approaching the...
Anyone planning on buying a Kindle from Amazon? Why or why not?
No, they are very expensive and they have severe restrictions on which books you can use and what you can do next to them afterwards. I have tons of books on my computer and I can read them all for free on my Nokia cellphone. There has get to...
Anyone use the amazon kindle ?
is it any good? why is it so expensive? I have the Kindle, and I love it. It really is intended for bibliophiles, though. If you are the kind of human being who tends to buy a lot of books, the Kindle is great. It's cost-effective in the long permanent status. It also has other advantages such as...
Are Amazon Kindles nutritious for the environment?
Are they green, per se? It really depends on how much you read, and how long you plan on keeping the Kindle. It also depends on whether you buy your books new or used, or whether you borrow them from the library.The Kindle is a fantastic green alternative to buying a new book every week.
Are Amazon's Free Kindle books really free?
Amazon claims to have free books until May 31st--what does that mean?Are they going to backcharge you if you don't remember to cancel? Who remembers deadline anyway? They also claim to offer free samples--are those reall y free? Do you mean the books found here? They are really free... it is sure to be tricky,...
Are at hand any netbooks or notebook next to screen resembling the kindle?
I have several online classes with material surrounded by PDF format and I am looking for a screen that is easy on the eyes approaching the Amazon Kindle. anybody know of one out there? Not really but you can resize the font to your exact liking. While on a...
Are books on the kindle free?
This might sound a bit stupid, but are books on the kindle free, or do you have to pay for most beside your amazon account? I'm sorry, you have to pay for files. However, the ebooks for the Kindle are cheaper than paperbacks. Amazon also provide quite a lot of public domain books for free, and some...
Are here any B&M stores (not online) where on earth I can buy the amazon kindle?
Unfortunately, no.The Amazon Kindle (aka AmazonKindle) is exclusively an Amazon product and therefore will only be sold through Amazon. They have no plans to extend it for sale offline or anywhere else because they don't have to. They are the world's number online retailer. ...
Are in attendance any electronic reader similar to Kindle?
perhaps cheaper.! I just seen one advertised on TV from Sony. There is Sony Reader, together with the Amazon Kindle nearby are the two best and most popular electronic readers on the market. If you are in the United States, I'll suggest the Amazon Kindle (it is not however available outside the U.S.)Other...
Are in that any alternative products similar to the Kindle 2 by Amazon?
If so, where do you go to buy the books for these products? Are they better than the Kindle 2? The Kindle is the most convenient for buying books. There are other alternatives close to sony reader b ut many users complaint that the choice of books they can...
Are in that other wireless reading devices besides the Kindle?
Like off-brand, cheaper ones. Before I got my Kindle, I looked into other ones. Anything other than the Kindle won't be that good, that's what I thought. I completed up buying the Kindle, but did some looking around first. The prices aren't actually that bad! Source(s):
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